Working for the Employee, Creating Success
August 19, 2019
Unfortunately, gone are the days that the majority of employees stay with a company for decades. All the perks and benefits in the world will not keep retention levels high. It takes leadership appreciating staff.
Employees respect and follow servant leadership. Companies should work for the employees. That statement is not a new concept. There are countless articles listing what makes a good or bad company or manager and they all lead back to the same concept.
It is about the employee and every employee has one similar want….to be validated.
It is important to ask team members what their aspirations are and if they are happy in their current role. Once an employee understands that a company has interest in them, they will likely have more interest in the company.
It is not expected for an unknown person to have as much regard for your children or family as you do. Would you expect a family member to hold you in high regard if you never showed them any interest? This applies to employees and their employers.
After taking time to listen to your employees, it is easier to see motivational triggers. Take into account that an individual’s motivational triggers change over time. Scheduling employee motivation is as important as scheduling meetings and conference calls.
Where to start…
First and foremost, motivating employees does not need to be a grand event. Start with saying, hi and expressing appreciation. Please, thank you, a short email or a hand written note will go a long way. There is no time like the present…Sustained Quality employees are some of the best, thank you!
Also, discuss how employees fit in the big picture. Employees should understand how their purpose aligns with the purpose of the company. Be transparent with an explicit vision. This is more than sharing budgetary numbers. A suggestion is to build a corporate vision board. Employees among others will see value in a visual aide. An employee may view it as a performance development opportunity. New and existing customers may view it as a corporate growth path.
Lastly, employees are motivated with trust. Let employees know you trust them by delegating tasks without micromanaging. Ask for input and let them implement concepts. Yes, there are actually times micromanaging may have some benefits. But, micromanagement inhibits employees’ personal growth if they become dependent upon others hand holding their every move. Remember, this is about tomorrow’s leaders and company longevity.
You have listened and taken action. Now it is time to let your team soar.
Employees prefer a motivating work environment. Motivated employees are happier, feel a profound connection to their employer, become better problem-solvers and have higher levels of innovation. All of which improves retention rates and the bottom line.
Review strategies often. Just as having the same tactical sales approach with every customer is sure to fail, having the same approach with every employee will not reap rewards.
Sustained Quality Group wants to work for you and help you succeed with your career goals. Come be a part of the team. Visit our Careers page.