Why And How To Provide Flexible Work In Manufacturing

March 15, 2023

Job seekers in the manufacturing industry are increasingly interested in flexible work. Company support for work-life balance is a top factor impacting where candidates decide to accept job offers.

As a result, manufacturing companies must take steps to provide flexible work to stay competitive. Filling candidates’ and employees’ desires for work-life balance improves attraction and retention rates.

Discover why and how to provide flexible work in manufacturing.

Elevate Candidate Attraction

Providing flexible work in manufacturing allows you to find top talent without the need to relocate. This significantly increases your candidate pools. Having more applicants allows you to hire employees with the skills needed to reach your business goals.

Increase Productivity

Offering flexible work in manufacturing is a win-win situation. Flexible work arrangements empower employees to work where and when they are most productive, which allows time to fulfill personal responsibilities as well as enjoy outside interests. Accomplishing more work in less time helps reach company goals faster, improving your bottom line.

Divide Roles Into Categories

Segment your roles into location-dependent, remote, and flexible. Location-dependent roles require employees to work onsite with some allowances for flexible work. For remote roles, employees may work entirely offsite. Flexible roles include a blend of onsite and remote work arrangements.

Offer Flexibility for Location-Dependent Roles

Provide employees in production and other location-dependent roles with options for increased flexibility. For instance, encourage plant engineers and managers to determine which work can be completed remotely, such as project management and data analysis. Increase the amount of personal time and family leave employees in location-dependent roles receive, providing the support required to complete work safely and effectively while supporting work-life balance.

Train Remote Managers

Educate managers with remote employees regarding regularly communicating with their teams. By regularly communicating with remote employees, managers can strengthen connections to the organization, clarify goals and priorities, and resolve issues.

Emphasize the importance of leading with empathy. Remote employees may encounter challenges in managing their professional and personal responsibilities. As a result, managers must provide the necessary resources and support to lower employee stress and maintain well-being. 

Implement Technology

Provide relevant technology for your remote and flexible employees to complete their work. Relevant technology may include remote monitoring and troubleshooting for machines, compliance tracking, workforce health tracking, or smart factory solutions. The use of this technology can increase safety and reduce business risks for remote and flexible employees.

Not only does blending onsite, remote, and flexible work promote collaboration, shared learning opportunities, and inclusivity. Providing flexible work strengthens your company culture, retention rates, and bottom line.

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