Peoplelink Group Joins Fight Against Breast Cancer
September 05, 2019
Sustained Quality is a Peoplelink Group company and together we support the American Cancer Society and their efforts to raise breast cancer awareness and money to fund research, support services and early detection.
The American Cancer Society is currently funding more than $64.3 million breast cancer research grants as of March 2019. They are also funding 257 grants related to all cancers.
The American Cancer Society has answered more than 1.42 million calls, chats and emails with their 24/7 cancer helpline, they have given 480,000 rides to treatment and provided over 477,000 nights of free lodging.
Here are the numbers:
- In 2019, more than 268,000 women are expected to be newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Nationwide, 41,760 women are expected to die from the disease this year.
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women (except for skin cancers).
- Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in women.
The key to saving lives from breast cancer is YOU. There are many ways to get involved – fundraisers, donations, join a walk, volunteer, become a sponsor and much more.
Consider participating in the American Cancer Society’s 26th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks. Most of these non-competitive three to five mile walks occur in October. Join more than 200 communities and 1.2 million walkers nationwide.
Here is how to get started –
1. Find a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk near you, click here or visit
2. Sign up and create a squad. Ask friends, family or co-workers to walk with you. If you are creating a team and are an internal Peoplelink employee, make sure to name your team something with Peoplelink so ACS will know you are affiliated.
3. While there is no fundraising minimum required, the more funds raised, the more lives we are able to save. Be creative with your fundraising. Host a breakfast, challenge other teams, hold an online auction, the options are endless.
4. Take pride in your efforts and have fun at the walk!
The American Cancer Society is the most trusted leader in the Fight Against Cancer. They are also the largest funding of cancer research next to the federal government.
3.5 million people strong, but, these survivors, patients, advocates, volunteers, caregivers and researchers still need YOU.