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Lithium Supply and Demand

August 15, 2018

Environmental considerations and technological developments have propelled the energy storage industry, resulting in smaller carbon footprints, lower battery costs and increased Electric Vehicle (EV) car mileage. These developments have steered the industry towards newer lithium-ion batteries, and away from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and…

What Makes a Digital Car Digital?

August 13, 2018

Television has had a long fascination with the concept of intelligent automobiles. The 1965 to 1966 series “My Mother the Car” portrayed the travails of a hapless family man who discovers that his mother has been reincarnated as his wisecracking 1928 Porter automobile. In 2002,…

Diversity in Manufacturing is Improving

August 09, 2018

A recent reported released by the corporate finance firm, Livingstone, reveals that gender diversity is improving in the manufacturing industry. The report assessed 25 firms – all part of the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index (FTSE100) – and their female board member representation. As of the…

Federal Regulators Handing Auto Industry More Trouble

August 06, 2018

The Trump administration’s proposed rollback of auto fuel economy and emissions standards looks, on the surface, like a welcome gift to the auto industry. It is more like federal regulators just handed the auto industry a great big box of chaos. The best outcome will be…

Hand and Power Tool Safety

August 03, 2018

According to the National Safety Council, accidental injury has become the No. 3 cause of death. Based on new injury statistics, an American is accidentally injured every second and killed every three minutes by a preventable event. Power and hand tool injuries are included in these stats….

Join Us in Celebration

August 01, 2018

Be proud to be a Professional Engineer. Today marks the third annual celebration of Professional Engineers. Sustained Quality Group celebrates licensure and the profession with Professional Engineers around the world. On August 8, 1907, the first professional engineering license was issued to Charles Bellamy in Wyoming….

Email Time Management

July 30, 2018

Granted your career will be made on your ability to get things done, not your your ability to answer emails immediately. But, drowning in emails is a frustrating distraction. Achieving inbox zero is often unrealistic, but reasonable control may be obtainable. Determining what is reasonable control means is different for every…

What Blockchain Means for the Automotive Industry

July 27, 2018

Blockchain, first conceptualized in 2008, is a way to structure data across a peer-to-peer network. Blockchain which consists of concatenated blocks of transactions—allows competitors to share a digital ledger across a network of computers without need for a central certifying authority. No single party has the…

Promoting a Culture of Continuous Improvement

July 25, 2018

It is common to talk about quality and continuous improvement in the context of manufacturing. Methodologies such as ISO, lean and Lean Six Sigma are a means to improve business efficiency and effectiveness. When done well, the end result is a better experience for customers and…

How Much of Your New Vehicle is Made from Recycled Products?

July 23, 2018

It is common knowledge that recycling protects the environment. But, recycling can also save money for the automotive industry. In light of recent tariffs, automotive manufacturers would be remiss if not considering use of recycled materials. New cars are increasingly composed of recycled products. Below is a…